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                           Error Messages and Codes 
                                  DOS Errors 

    These errors deal primarily with files, directories and drives
    and are returned to your program by DOS.

   #   MESSAGE                            CAUSES & REMEDIES

  2. File Not Found             Returned by Erase, ReSet, ReWrite, Append,
                                or ReName if the name assigned to a file
                                variable does not exist.

  3. Path Not Found             * Returned by Append, ReSet, ReName, Erase,
                                  or ReWrite if the file variable is invalid
                                  or specifies an nonexistant subdirectory.
                                * Returned by ChDir, MkDir, or RmDir if the
                                  path is invalid or specifies a nonexistant

  4. Too Many Open Files        You have tryed to open more files
                                than allowed by DOS.
                                * You may has forgotten to close a
                                  file or are using a function to
                                  check to see if a file exists that
                                  does not close a file if it exists.
                                * Increase the number of file located
                                  your CONFIG.SYS file.

  5. File Access Denied         * Returned by ReSet or Append if FileMode
                                  allows writing but the file variable
                                  denotes a directory or a read-only file.
                                * Returned by ReWrite if the directory is
                                  full or the file variable indicates a
                                  directory or a read-only file.
                                * Returned by ReName if the file variable
                                  specifies a directory or the new name
                                  specifies an existing file.
                                * Returned by Erase if the file variable
                                  denotes a directory or a read-only file.
                                * Returned by MkDir if a file with the same
                                  name appears in the parent directory or
                                  if the directory is full or if the name
                                  specifies a device.
                                * Returned by RmDir if the directory isn't
                                  empty or if the path specifies the root
                                * Returned by Read or BlockRead on files
                                  not opened for reading.
                                * Returned by Write or BlockWrite on files
                                  not opened for writing.

  6. Invalid File Handle        The file variable that you Assigned to
                                a filename has somehow been lost or

 12. Invalid File Access Code   Returned by ReSet or Append on a typed
                                or untyped file if the value of FileMode
                                is invalid.

 15. Invalid Drive Number       Returned by GetDir if the drive number
                                is invalid

 16. Cannot Remove Current      Returned by RmDir when attempted on
     Directory                  the current directory.

 17. Cannot Rename Across       Returned by ReName if both names are
     Drives                     not on the same drive.

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